Google Maps Widget


Tired of buggy & slow Google Maps plugins that take hours to setup? With Maps Widget for Google Maps you’ll have a perfect map with a thumbnail & lightbox in minutes! No nonsense Google maps – we know you’re in a hurry! Join 100,000+ happy Google maps users. If you’ve already switched to Gutenberg grab our free Google Maps Gutenberg Block plugin.

Check out some examples on the Maps Widget for Google Maps site or give us a shout on Twitter @WebFactoryLtd.

General Google Maps Widget options

May 14, 2020 Adding a responsive Google Maps widget can help consumers locate your customers’ businesses, gives credibility to their organizations, and improves the overall user experience. Embedding a map on your site can also reduce the bounce rate and helps with your search engine optimization efforts. The Google Maps widget allows the user to add customizable google maps on the page with simple drag and drop operation, but for this widget to work, we will need the Google Maps API. Let’s see how you can get that.

  • title
  • address

Thumbnail Google map options

Maps Widget for Google Maps thumbnail uses the Google Maps Static Maps API. It loads the entire google map in only one request compared to 20+ requests it takes other Google maps plugins to load them. This ensures your site loads as fast as possible!

  • Custom google map size – map width & map height
  • Choose any google map type you prefer – road map, satellite map, terrain map, hybrid map, or custom map image to save money on API calls (PRO only)
  • Plenty of google map color schemes – default, blue, bright, gowalla, gray, gray #2, mapbox, midnight, neon, refreshed, paper, ultra light + any custom google map style you build in PRO
  • zoom level
  • pin type
  • pin color
  • pin size
  • pin label
  • custom map pin icon – any image can be used
  • 1500+ map pins library in PRO
  • link type – lightbox map, custom URL, replace thumbnail map with interactive google map (PRO), immediately show interactive google map (PRO) or disable link
  • image format
  • google map language
  • hide widget title
  • text above google map
  • text below google map

Interactive Google map options

Google Maps Widget

Interactive google maps loads in a lightbox or as an in-place replacement for the thumbnail Google map if your using Maps Widget for Google Maps PRO. It has all the standard interactive google map features users are accustomed too.

  • lightbox size – map width & map height (auto-adjusted on smaller screens) or fullscreen map in PRO
  • map mode – place + in PRO: directions, search, view & google street view
  • map type – road & satellite
  • map color scheme – 15 map styles & any custom google map style in PRO
  • pins clustering – PRO feature
  • map zoom level
  • lightbox skin – light, dark + 20 extra in PRO
  • lightbox features – close on overlay click, close on esc key, close button & show map title
  • map language
  • header text
  • footer text

Shortcode Outlining template microsoft word free download programs.

  • by using the [gmw id= »# »] shortcode you can display the google map in any page, post, or custom post type (PRO feature)

Multiple Pins

  • full clustering and filtering support for pins on Google maps – demos available on site
  • you can add unlimited pins with custom markers and descriptions to thumbnail and interactive Google maps (PRO feature)
  • every map pin has the following options: show on the map thumbnail and/or interactive map, set custom map pin image, set on-click behavior: open custom description bubble, open URL in new/same tab or do nothing

PRO version of Maps Widget for Google Maps offers more than 50 extra features and options including multiple map pins support, map pin clustering, pins library, skins, export, import and widget cloning features, Google Analytics integration and premium, USA based support. Read more about the PRO version on the official Maps Widget for Google Maps site.

Showcase & What others say about Maps Widget for Google Maps

  • see a live example of Maps Widget for Google Maps showing off server locations around the world on Bitcatcha
  • voted on the Top 100 List by WordPressian
  • made it on the Tidy Repo as « well supported Google Maps plugin »
  • reviewed 5/5 by Web Smush
  • one of 3 best Google map plugins by The Torque Mag
  • « an easier way to add Google maps to your site » says WP Beginner
  • Design Crazed puts in on the top 20 Google maps list
  • InkThemes shows how easy it is to use Maps Widget for Google Maps
  • IndexWP calls it a « handy google maps plugin »
  • A Painless Guide For Adding Google Maps In WordPress by WHSR

Maps Widget for Google Maps Translators (thank you!)

  • English – original 🙂
  • Swedish – Sofia Asklund
  • Spanish – Jesus Garica
  • Croatian – Gordan from Web factory Ltd
  • German – Karimba
  • French – Karimba
  • Chinese simplified – Wyeoh
  • Chinese traditional – Wyeoh
  • Dutch – Arno
  • Ukrainian – Victor Shutovskiy
  • Serbian – Ogi Djuraskovic from FirstSiteGuide
  • Russian – Ivanka

License info

  • Select2 v4, licensed under MIT
  • Colorbox 1.6, licensed under MIT


Follow the usual routine to install Maps Widget for Google Maps

  1. Open WordPress admin, go to Plugins, click Add New
  2. Enter « Maps Widget for Google Maps » in search and hit Enter
  3. Plugin will show up as the first on the list, click « Install Now »
  4. Activate & go to Appearance – Widgets to configure Maps Widget for Google Maps

Or if needed, upload manually

  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Unzip it and upload to wp-content/plugin/
  3. Open WordPress admin – Plugins and click « Activate » next to the Maps Widget for Google Maps plugin
  4. Configure the Maps Widget for Google Maps under Appearance – Widgets


Who is this plugin for?

For anyone who needs a map on their site in 5 seconds.

Google Map shows the wrong location

Write the address differently, or more precisely. Make sure you enter the street, town and country name. If necessary enter lat/lng coordinates instead of the address. Use the numeric notation, eg: « 40.7127, 74.0059 »

How to generate the API key

We understand that creating a Google Maps API key is frustrating but it takes less than a minute and it’s something Google requires.
Follow wizard step #1 – login with any Gmail account, click next/confirm a few times with the default settings & copy the Google Maps API key you see on the screen; it’s the key you need. Then use wizard step #2, select the same « My Project » project from the list and that’s it. Save the key in Maps Widget for Google Maps settings.
If you want to protect your API key by using the « Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (web sites) » option in Google Console make sure to add your domain in these two formats: ** and* and wait a few minutes until Google makes the necessary changes.
If that didn’t help read our detailed guide on how to create a Google Maps API key.

Google map thumbnail works but lightbox won’t open on click

You probably have Fancybox JS and CSS files included twice; once by the theme and second time by Maps Widget for Google Maps plugin. Remove one instance of files. If that’s not the case then you have a fatal JS error that’s preventing execution of other JS code. Hit F12 in Firefox or Chrome and have a look at the debug console. If there are any red lines – it’s a fatal error.

Google Maps Widget For Website

The Google map is not working!!! Arrrrrrrrr

Open a new thread in the support forums but please bear in mind that support is community based and we do this in our spare time.

How do I get Maps Widget for Google Maps Pro?

Simply visit and purchase the GMW PRO. Yearly and lifetime licenses are available.

I’ve installed the plugin, now what?

In WordPress admin open Appearance – Widgets and add a Maps Widget for Google Maps to a sidebar. And make sure you follow instructions on how to generate a Google Maps API key. Without it maps won’t work.

How do I put a Google map on my page/post?

In order to show your Google map in your page or post, simply copy the shortcode supplied and paste it into your page or post. This feature is available only in GMW PRO.

I want to use Google Maps but don’t have WordPress

Try Nifty Maps – a comprehensive Map Builder for any website


Google Maps Widget

Embed Google Maps On Website

So funny that their whole video is based on how 'EASY' it is to set up. NOT!API key didn't work, kept getting an error message.