Microsoft Word Browser


Office Add-ins are web applications that are displayed using iFrames when running in Office on the web and using embedded browser controls in Office for desktop and mobile clients. Add-ins also need a JavaScript engine to run the JavaScript. Both the embedded browser and the engine are supplied by a browser installed on the user's computer.

Which browser is used depends on:

  • The computer's operating system.
  • Whether the add-in is running in Office on the web, Microsoft 365, or non-subscription Office 2013 or later.

Now that the change has been made, it is time to test your changes and make sure your Microsoft Word documents now open in a new document window instead of Internet Explorer. Start by closing the open Folder Options window, then find a Microsoft Word document and try to open it. You should see the Word document open in the familiar document window. On the contrary, it appears that the Browse the Web icon in the Hyperlink dialog box ignores the setting for default browser and makes use of Internet Explorer. You can report this to Microsoft from within Word, via File Feedback Send a Frown, or you can post a message in the Uservoice forum at

The following table shows which browser is used for the various platforms and operating systems.

Is it somehow acheivable to open a.doc - document in a browser window? If I link a.pdf - file from the document library in left navigation menu it opens in a browser window. If I do the same with a MS Word docuemnt it opens the Word application, but I want it to open it inside a browser. Can this somehow be done? With Word for the web running in your web browser, you can: Create documents to add and format text, images, and page layouts. Get to your documents from your computer, tablet, or phone. Share and work with others, wherever they are.

OSOffice versionEdge WebView2 (Chromium-based) installed?Browser
anyOffice on the webNot applicableThe browser in which Office is opened.
MacanyNot applicableSafari
iOSanyNot applicableSafari
AndroidanyNot applicableChrome
Windows 7, 8.1, 10non-subscription Office 2013 or laterDoesn't matterInternet Explorer 11
Windows 7Microsoft 365Doesn't matterInternet Explorer 11
Windows 8.1,
Windows 10 ver. < 1903
Microsoft 365NoInternet Explorer 11
Windows 10 ver. >= 1903Microsoft 365 ver. < 16.0.116291Doesn't matterInternet Explorer 11
Windows 10 ver. >= 1903Microsoft 365 ver. >= 16.0.11629 AND < 16.0.13530.204241Doesn't matterMicrosoft Edge2, 3 with original WebView (EdgeHTML)
Windows 10 ver. >= 1903Microsoft 365 ver. >= 16.0.13530.204241NoMicrosoft Edge2, 3 with original WebView (EdgeHTML)
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Microsoft 365 ver. >= 16.0.13530.204241Yes4Microsoft Edge2 with WebView2 (Chromium-based)

1 See the update history page and how to find your Office client version and update channel for more details.


2 When Microsoft Edge is being used, the Windows 10 Narrator (sometimes called a 'screen reader') reads the <title> tag in the page that opens in the task pane. When Internet Explorer 11 is being used, the Narrator reads the title bar of the task pane, which comes from the <DisplayName> value in the add-in's manifest.

3 If your add-in includes the <Runtimes> element in the manifest, then it will not use Microsoft Edge with the original WebView (EdgeHTML). If the conditions for using Microsoft Edge with WebView2 (Chromium-based) are met, then the add-in uses that browser. Otherwise, it uses Internet Explorer 11 regardless of the Windows or Microsoft 365 version. For more information, see Runtimes.

4 The embeddable WebView2 control must be installed in addition to the installation of Microsoft Edge so that Office can embed it. To install it, see Microsoft Edge WebView2 / Embed web content .. with Microsoft Edge WebView2.


Internet Explorer 11 does not support JavaScript versions later than ES5. If any of your add-in's users have platforms that use Internet Explorer 11, then to use the syntax and features of ECMAScript 2015 or later, you have two options:

  • Write your code in ECMAScript 2015 (also called ES6) or later JavaScript, or in TypeScript, and then compile your code to ES5 JavaScript using a compiler such as babel or tsc.
  • Write in ECMAScript 2015 or later JavaScript, but also load a polyfill library such as core-js that enables IE to run your code.

Also, Internet Explorer 11 does not support some HTML5 features such as media, recording, and location.

Troubleshooting Microsoft Edge issues

Service Workers are not working

Office Add-ins do not support Service Workers when the original Microsoft Edge WebView, EdgeHTML, is used. They are supported with the Chromium-based Edge WebView2.

Scroll bar does not appear in task pane

By default, scroll bars in Microsoft Edge are hidden until hovered over. To ensure that the scroll bar is always visible, the CSS styling that applies to the <body> element of the pages in the task pane should include the -ms-overflow-style property and it should be set to scrollbar.

When debugging with the Microsoft Edge DevTools, the add-in crashes or reloads

Setting breakpoints in the Microsoft Edge DevTools can cause Office to think that the add-in is hung. It will automatically reload the add-in when this happens. To prevent this, add the following Registry key and value to the development computer: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice16.0Wef]'AlertInterval'=dword:00000000.

When the add-in tries to open, get 'ADD-IN ERROR We can't open this add-in from the localhost' error

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One known cause is that Microsoft Edge requires that localhost be given a loopback exemption on the development computer. Follow the instructions at Cannot open add-in from localhost.

Get errors trying to download a PDF file

Directly downloading blobs as PDF files in an add-in is not supported when Edge is the browser. The workaround is to create a simple web application that downloads blobs as PDF files. In your add-in, call the Office.context.ui.openBrowserWindow(url) method and pass the URL of the web application. This will open the web application in a browser window outside of Office.

See also

Microsoft Word Edit In Browser


This article provides methods to set Internet Explorer to open Office documents in the appropriate Office program.

Original product version: Internet Explorer 10, Internet Explorer 9
Original KB number: 162059


When you select an HTML link to a Microsoft Office file (such as a Microsoft Word or Excel document), Internet Explorer may open the file in Internet Explorer, instead of opening the file in the appropriate Office program.


This behavior may occur if Internet Explorer is configured to host documents for Office programs that are installed on the computer. By default, Internet Explorer is configured to host documents for Office programs.


To configure Internet Explorer to open Office files in the appropriate Office program instead of in Internet Explorer, use one of the following methods.


These methods configure Internet Explorer to open Office files in the appropriate Office program for all users.

Word for Mac doesn't support Family Sharing I personally had a lot of trouble understanding how to download the software for Word for Mac on my wife's MacBook Pro which has a different Apple ID than the iMac which I used to buy the Family version of this app. Word for macbook.

Method 1 - Use the Folder Options tool


If you are running Windows NT 4.0, you may not be able to use the following procedure to configure Internet Explorer to open Office files in the appropriate Office program. If you are running Windows NT 4.0, use method 2.

Microsoft Word Browser


If you are running Terminal Server on Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003, you may not be able to select Advanced to open the Edit File Type dialog box in step 4 of this procedure. This issue occurs if the NoFileAssociate policy is enabled. Enabling this policy prevents users (including administrators) from changing file type associations for all users.

To configure Internet Explorer to open Office files in the appropriate Office program by using the Folder Options tool:

  1. Open My Computer.
  2. On the Tools menu (or the View menu), select Folder Options (or select Options).
  3. Select the File Types tab.
  4. In the Registered file types list, select the specific Office document type (for example, Microsoft Excel Worksheet), and then select Advanced (or select Edit).
  5. In the Edit File Type dialog box, clear the Browse in same window check box (or clear the Open Web documents in place check box).
  6. Select OK.

Method 2 - Edit the Windows Registry


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This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, see How to back up and restore the registry in Windows.

Microsoft Word Browser Free

To configure Internet Explorer to open Office files in the appropriate Office program by editing the Windows registry, set the BrowserFlags DWORD value to a correct value for the appropriate document type. To do this, follow these steps:

Microsoft Word Browser Plugin

Microsoft Word Browser
  1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).

  2. Locate and then select the following registry key:


  3. Locate the subkey for the specific Office document type. The following table lists the subkeys for several common Office document types.

    To locate the subkey for a document type that is not included in this table, find the subkey for the extension that is associated with the document type. The (default) value for that subkey contains the name of the subkey for that document type. For example, the .xls extension is associated with Excel worksheets. Under the .xls subkey, the (default) value contains the string Excel.Sheet.5. Therefore, the subkey for the Microsoft Excel Worksheet document type is the following subkey:


  4. After you identify the subkey for the specific Office document type, follow these steps:

    1. If the Office document is a Microsoft Office Excel document, add the following value for all Microsoft Office Excel subkeys except the Excel.Sheet.5 subkey:

      Value name: BrowserFlags
      Data type: REG_DWORD
      Value: 8

      For the Excel.Sheet.5 subkey, add the following value:

      Value name: BrowserFlags
      Data type: REG_DWORD
      Value: 9

    2. If the Office document is a Microsoft Office Word document or a Rich Text Format document, add the following value for all Microsoft Office Word subkeys except the Word.Document.12 subkey, the Word.DocumentMacroEnabled.12 subkey, and the Word.RTF.8 subkey.

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      Value name: BrowserFlags
      Data type: REG_DWORD
      Value: 8

      For the Word.Document.12 subkey, the Word.DocumentMacroEnabled.12 subkey and the Word.RTF.8 subkey, add the following value:

      Value name: BrowserFlags
      Data type: REG_DWORD
      Value: 44(Decimal)

    3. If the Office document is a Microsoft Office PowerPoint document, add the following value for all subkeys except PowerPoint.SlideShow.12 and PowerPoint.SlideShowMacroEnabled.12.

      Value name: BrowserFlags
      Data type: REG_DWORD
      Value: 10(Decimal)

      For PowerPoint.SlideShow.12 and PowerPoint.SlideShowMacroEnabled.12, delete the BrowerFlags if it exists.

  5. Select OK, and then quit Registry Editor.

Microsoft Word Browser Version

Applies to

  • Internet Explorer 10
  • Internet Explorer 9
  • Office Home and Student 2013
  • Office Professional Plus 2013
  • Office Standard 2013
  • Office Home and Business 2013
  • Excel 2013
  • PowerPoint 2013
  • Word 2013
  • Office Starter 2010
  • Office Professional Plus 2010
  • Office Standard 2010
  • PowerPoint 2010
  • Office Home and Business 2010
  • Office Home and Student 2010
  • Office Professional 2010
  • Microsoft Word 2010
  • Excel 2010
  • Microsoft Office Excel 2007
  • Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Web Edition
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition (32-bit x86)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (32-bit x86)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (32-bit x86)
  • Microsoft Office Excel 2003
  • Microsoft Office Word 2003
  • Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
  • Microsoft Office Basic Edition 2003
  • Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003
  • Microsoft Office Professional Enterprise Edition 2003
  • Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003
  • Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional
  • Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition